Monday, December 20, 2010

♡ BB Creams ♡ (What is it?)

So before I started my series on BB creams, I thought  could share on here what a BB cream actually is.

BB Cream stands for Blemish Balm Cream. From my research around the web, it is said to have been developed in Germany to help heal the skin of patients who had undergone laser skin surgery.
So because it is so awesome famous actresses from asia began to invest in these products. Naturally, the re of the public began to become interested in these "magical in everyway" products and a market for them was born!

The most basic BB creams have:
1) skin whitening properties - this is usually THE main thing bb creams do. And no by whitening it doesnt mean its going to bleach your skin and make you look like a pair of these:
Nope. What the "whiten"is that it will make your complexion very even and fade any acne marks and scars you may have on your face.

2) Help improve your skin to fight blemishes - well, duh. its in the name. Many BB creams REALLY do help fight blemishes some however may actually break you out. There are so many its all about finding the right one for you and your skin and your needs. Just like with anything else you put on your face. Some focus more on the actual blemish problems but again find one right for you.

3) Help prevent fine lines and wrinkles - many if not all have this property. its the second or first, depending how you look at it , reason for the creation of this little gem in a bottle. It helps repair and rejuvenate the skin for healthy youthful skin.

4) It is a triple threat to foundations, concealers, and tinted moisturizers. I'm not kidding. One application of SOME bb creams are enough to be full cover foundations and concealers in one, but are as light as a tinted moisturizer on your face. Again they make lighter coverage bb creams and all in between.

5) Most if not all have UV protection to protect your skin from the sun.

Yes, yes, yes, i know what you are thinking, "But Dai, seriously these sound like miracle products and its sounds like you're actually trying to sell this product to us. Nothing in the world does all that. Get out of here."
Well guess what. There is. I'm not lying and I'm not trying to sell you things. These products have totally and completely changed the way I look at my foundation and skin care routine. I wouldn't waste my time on my own personal blog to sell people things. For that I'll just go to work. But I will say this, just like your regular foundation and moisturizers and even cleansers its all trial and error with these. Again, everything that may work on me or whoever may not work on you. It's all about your body chemistry and genes. But I can tell you this, when you find the right one for you....OMG thats all.

There are SOOOOOOOO many to choose from. The downside is that here in the US they aren't really available and the color shades aren't the best to choose from. Some bb creams only sell 1 to 4 shade. But mostly just 1 or 2 shades since this is targeted to the asian market.

I'll be making blog posts about my favorite ones in the coming days and where to get them.

I tried to make this quick but if you have any further questions leave them in the comments XD

See you in my next post!


bb creams make me so happy.


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